2023/1/28 \LET’S HANG OUT IN THE COMMUNITY/ Find your color〜五感で楽しむPAL国際保育園@東京外大〜2023/1/28

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We will provide colorful workshops and foods. If you look around, our world is full of colors.
Experience color and the five senses. Maybe you’ll discover a new favorite color.


HANG OUTとは「誰かと時をすごす」「あそぶ」「ブラブラする」というニュアンスのことばです。
HANG OUT IN THE COMMUNITYは、PAL@東京外大からまち(コミュニティ)に関わろう!というイベントです。

Do you often “HANG OUT” in your own neighborhood?
”Let`s HANG OUT IN THE COMMUNITY” is a reoccurring event held by our nursery school, PAL International School @TUFS!!!
We want to get involved with the locals of Fuchu and “PAL UP” with all of YOU !!!!
The theme this time is “Color + The Five Senses”. We will provide colorful workshops and foods.
If you look around, our world is full of colors. Experience color and the five senses. Maybe you’ll discover a new favorite color.

Any age, gender, nationality, etc. are welcome, and parents with their children are also welcome!

◎What will we do?

【色をあじわう Relish the colors】

PAL International School @TUFS

また、『Animaited drawings』というアプリを使って、クッキーを動かすことができるので、一緒に遊んでみませんか♪

Let’s make colorful cookies and try them out using a smartphone app!
Parents and children can enjoy using colorful clay-like additive-free cookie dough to create their favorite shapes in their favorite colors!
The cookies you make can be baked and eaten on the spot. Enjoy an experience of color awareness.
You can also move cookies using an app called “Animated drawings,” so why not play with them.
*Depending on the shape of the cookie, it may not work properly.

時間 Time:11:30-12:30/12:30-13:30/13:30-14:30(各回8組)
対象 Target audience:こどもから大人まで(未就学児は保護者同伴にてお願いいたします。)
            Anyone (preschoolers must be accompanied by parents.)
所要時間 Time required:60分程度
参加費 Fee:無料 Free
予約 Reservation:不要(事前予約可能) No reservation required.(Advance reservation possible)

coloridohは、スペイン語でカラフルという意味が含まれています。世界はとてもカラフルです。みんなの個性を大切に、それぞれの価値を認め合える世界を創造したい。coloridohはそんな思いで、誰もが一緒に楽しめるコミュニケーションツールとして、誰もが楽しめるように「Safety, Fun, Easy」にこだわり、開発されました。

【色をきく listen to colors】


Various colors and sounds and picture books
Tontonpa is a unit living in Fuchu that brings you the world of songs and stories through parent-child ”Dalcroze eurythmics” storytelling.
Picture books will be read aloud along with improvisational performances, with the theme of “color.” Would you like to have fun seeing and listening to the world of colors?

時間 Time:12:00-12:45/14:00-14:45
対象 Target audience:こどもから大人まで Anyone
所要時間 Time required:45分程度
参加費 Fee:無料 Free
予約 Reservation:不要 No reservation required.

【色をみる・色にふれる seeing and touching colors】


Paint on a small canvas with your favorite colors!
A painting workshop taught by SHIHO, a painter who graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Choose about three colors of your choice and draw shapes freely on a pure white canvas. Why not discover a new version of yourself by facing yourself and using colors that move your heart?

時間 Time:11:00-15:00
対象 Target audience:こどもから大人まで(小学2年生以下は保護者同伴にてお願いいたします。)
Anyone (2nd grade of elementary school and below must be accompanied by parents.)
所要時間 Time required:40分程度
参加費 Fee: ¥600(当日現地にてお支払いください)Please pay on-site on the day
予約 Reservation:不要 No reservation required.

ART-IST アトリエTutti

おとなの色彩ワークショプ 〜ぬり絵ポストカードをかこう〜
Adult color workshop – Let’s draw a coloring postcard –
Summary: Entrust your feelings to your sense of colors and draw a “coloring postcard”.
You are free to draw for whomever you wish. Of course, you can also draw it for yourself. Colors and words may seem like two different things, but they have a very deep connection. Please enjoy encountering new “colors”.

時間 Time:11:00-15:00
対象 Target audience:大人(中学生以上) Adults (junior high school students and above)
所要時間 Time required:30分程度
参加費 Fee: ¥500(当日現地にてお支払いください)Please pay on-site on the day
予約 Reservation:不要 No reservation required.

イラストレーター 相馬涼(Ryo Souma)

Stick your creations on the glass doors, make them directly on the glass.
Make PAL’s glass doors and windows brilliant with color with Ryo Soma. Decorate the window with your favorite colors using color film or crayons that can be used to draw on windows. Would you like to play by layering them to create colors or draw them?

時間 Time:11:00-15:00(場所や材料がなくなり次第終了)
対象 Target audience:こどもから大人まで Anyone
参加費 Fee: 無料 Free
予約 Reservation:不要 No reservation required.

【色をかぐ smell the colors】


クリスマスローズの小さな森づくりワークショップ ~香りで楽しむ~
老舗ナーセリーのFlower attendantであり、ワインのソムリエ、アロマテラピー愛用者である香りのエキスパートが講師を務めます!
Christmas Rose Miniature Forest Workshop ~Enjoy the scent~
A workshop where you can touch, smell, and enjoy the sights presented by Kagoen, a pioneer Christmas rose maker founded in 1924 (Taisho 13) in Fuchu City.                    
The lecturer will be a fragrance expert who is a flower attendant at a long-established nursery, a wine sommelier, and a lover of aromatherapy!
Using fragrant leaves such as rosemary, tea tree, and myrtle leaves, and Kagoen’s original special dried Christmas rose flowers, you can create your own fragrant forest in a palm-sized pot.

時間 Time:11:00-11:40/13:00-13:40/14:00-14:40 (各回5名程度)
対象 Target audience:大人向け(親子参加も可能です)For adults (parents can participate with their children)
所要時間 Time required:40分程度
参加費 Fee:¥1500(当日現地にてお支払いください)Please pay on-site on the day
予約 Reservation:不要(事前予約可能) No reservation required.(Advance reservation possible)
サイズ Size:直径9㎝ 高さ9㎝ 受け皿付き陶器鉢(スカイブルー)
Comes with ceramic bowl and saucer (sky blue):diameter 9cm, height 9cm



This is “CREPE324”, which delivers delicious food and smiles a happy pink truck♪
We sell crepes and tapioca drinks made with our own unique ingredients.​
There are many types of crepes on the menu including savory ones.​
We are looking forward to seeing you★


A food truck that boasts fluffy dandelion omurice( fried rice topped with an omelet) made by a former hotel chef ♪

◎こんな人にきてほしい!(Recommended for people like this!!!)

・多磨駅周辺に住んでいる( living around Tama Station )
・府中のまちづくりに関心がある( interested in community development in Fuchu )
・住んでいるまちに関わりたい( want to enjoy the town you live )
・色々な人と対話をしてみたい( want to talk with various people )
・保育園に遊びに行きたい( want to visit the nursery school )
・保育園の可能性に関心がある( Interested in the possibilities of nursery schools )
・五感で体験したい( want to experience color and the five senses )

◎PAL国際保育園@東京外大(英語表記:PAL International School @TUFS)とは

PAL国際保育園@東京外大は2022年9月に東京外国語大学敷地内に開園したインターナショナルスクールです。0歳から未就学児、小学生、大人の方まで様々な通い方や関わりを持つことができます。PALの意味はPlay And Learn、遊びを通して学ぶ、です。在園児だけでなく地域の皆様にも開かれたみんなの保育園PAL国際保育園@東京外大は、様々な国籍・言語・年齢などお互いの多様性を生活と遊びの中で体感する学びのコミュニティです。
PAL International School @TUFS is an international school that opened on the premises of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in September 2022. From 0 to preschoolers, elementary school students, and adults; we have various programs for enroment and interaction. It is a learning community where you can experience diversity in terms of nationality, language, age, etc. in life and play.


PAL International School @TUFS
In front of TUFS International Residences
(University students will be taking exams, so please come from the east side of campus along Stadium Street.)
アクセス: 多磨駅より徒歩約10分
問い合わせ:株式会社はじまり商店街 hajimari.shoutengai@gmail.com

◎注意事項 notes

On the day of the event, staff may take photos and videos, and there may be cases where participants in the venue are reflected. In addition, please note that photos and videos may be exposed or posted on advertisements, websites, etc. after the event.
Please participate after paying attention to food allergies.
○イベント当日は駐車場は使用できません。 公共交通機関での来園、または近隣の駐車場をご利用いただけますようご協力お願い致します。
The parking Iot will not be available on the day of the event. Please come by public transportation or use a nearby parking lot.
